22 May 2013

A re-discovered dispatch from my early LA days

I, apparently, started this post during the delirium  of baking/cooking/cleaning that was Marshall's birthday, and then promptly forgot that I had written it.  That was in August...whooooops. 

Despite having occurred so many months ago, this is a fairly accurate representation of how I function when left to my own devices.  I'll let you know how this all ended at the bottom of this post.

I live in Los Angeles, CA now.  That's a weird but true sentence, and I'm excited to be here.  Some other time, I will post about the trek to get here and move in, but that is not for today.

Why, you ask?

Because today is Marshall Todd Wootton's birthday, and there are more important fish to fry.*

*note: as Marshall is, in fact, a vegetarian, there will be no actual frying of fish.  Also, as we are both trying to eat healthier, there will be no frying of anything. 

Marshall has been a staunch member of the keep-AMC-sane -in-LA brigade (along with the cat), and thus, I thought, deserved a day to be recognized and treated.

Let me take this moment to say, good friends are such a delight in this life.  I feel fortunate to count him among mine.

Technically not the same Intelligentsia, ssshhh.
The day started with a delicious breakfast at Intelligentsia with the birthday lad.  Delightfully quirky and decidedly hip, this coffee shop is a favorite.   When I sip my latte there, I cannot help but feel the need to employ my haughtiest vocabulary (see: coterie, cortado, etc)  and look wistfully off towards the mountains.  I'm also fairly certain that I will have to invest in a serious wardrobe of vintage hats and pearl snap shirts to feel accepted by the regulars.

From there, Marshall and I parted ways.  He was off to work, and I to the grocery store.  Now, if you know me, you know that I do not love going to the grocery store, and that inevitably I leave with many random purchases, and missing at least one crucial thing off my list (FORESHADOWING).

I decided to bake Marshall a birthday cake and fix dinner.  So I grabbed cake mix and icing, diet coke, polenta and headed home.  A few things are already apparent.

1) I clearly had no plan for what dinner would be.
2) I might have been too hasty in my trip to the store.

Heading home, I begin to contemplate the day.

Ok, this is good.  I'll make cupcakes, then Marshall can take them to work.  Dinner should be pretty simple to whip up, I have lots of basics at home.

At home I started researching recipes.  The contents of my kitchen are roughly outlined below:
baking soda
baking powder
mac & cheese
elbow pasta
peanut butter
greek yogurt
portobello mushrooms
tomato sauce
diet coke
cheddar cheese
deli turkey

I opted for the mushrooms, zucchini, pasta and tomato sauce and found a tasty sounding baked pasta dish that incorporated these things.  To be fully honest,  I didn't completely read the recipe.  I understood the concept.  Boil the noodles, sauté the mushrooms (zucchini was my addition) layer in a baking pan with cheese and go.

Folks.  This is where the day transformed into exercises in active problem solving:

 no cupcake pan? ----> bundt pan!
 no vegetable oil? ----> canola oil?
 no glass baking dish ----> call mom STAT

what else am i missing?

mozzarella, goat cheese, basil-------> another trip to Vons

NOW. I wish I could report that I had successfully completed my ingredients and returned home.  That would be a bold-faced lie.  So, instead, this is what I actually bought a Vons

Goat Cheese
Mouth wash
Vegetable Oil

demonstrably absent: basil and glass baking pan.

a quick google search of "cooking substitutes for basil" brings you to this handy table


so thyme it is!

as for a baking dish, mom says metal should be ok, so here's hoping.

the pasta casserole dish was now on hold until dinner time, but i opted to get a start on the cake.  those of you that know me know that long ago, Becky and I developed a Kitchen Treaty in which she would do all baking and I would slice and handle all raw meats.

This was a mutually beneficial arrangement, since meat grossed her out, and I have not the patience to bake and make things pretty.  Case in point, icing this cake.  Baking went fine. I even let it cool all the way before attempting to ice it.  (herculean test of my patience).

I opened my jar of cream cheese icing and developed an attack strategy that immediately failed.  Bundt cakes are just awkward, y'all.   The next 20 minutes turned into a culinary farce.  Icing got everywhere, and it still looked like a hot mess.  (sorry Marshall!)

I face a conundrum: ice the cake right next to the fan so I don't get overheated and grouchy OR ice the cake away from the fan so icing stops getting sprayed all over things.

Clearly, I chose option A.

I've decided that Marshall's cake is delightfully "shabby chic"......  ?   Some people have a natural talent for baking and can cook without making the kitchen look like a war zone.  I am not that girl, ask me to arrange your furniture, hang paintings or otherwise decorate and I'm there, though.

So, flour everywhere, icing congealing on the table and my clothes, I added "clean kitchen" to my list of activities for the day.

Now to Marshall's present.

It has been a long standing point of contention between Marshall and myself that I have not seen Les Miserables or Mean Girls.  I thought it would be an unexpected twist of events if I had either or both of those available for us to watch.

Living in Los Angeles I thought this would be an easy task.  Probably the easiest of my tasks.  LIES.

Let me be clear:

Marshall, being" ironically patriotic" 
No store in this entire city has either of those two in stock.  Either Marshall is about to get copies of them from everyone he knows here, or these stores are falling behind on their jobs.  After an hour of internet searching and frantic phone calls, I checked netflix and hulu, which also failed me.

As a last resort I turned to iTunes.  Let me take this moment to extol the faithfulness of iTunes.  Both were available to rent or to buy.  HOORAY.

So, in my apple TV cue, both* are awaiting Marshall's whim. :)

The casserole ended up being the most amazing thing I had ever cooked.  We ate it and loved it for days.  Marshall overlooked the disastrous cake decorations, and embraced the underlying concept of appreciation it represented. 

We watched both Mean Girls and Les Miserables in less than 24 hours.  Mean Girls might still be an area of contention between us as I refuse to recognize is as the most brilliant film ever conceived, though it is hilarious. 

Ultimately, what really matters here is that  I am so grateful for Marshall's friendship, and that I don't tell him that enough.  

Tragically, no photographic evidence remains of my cooking feats or Marshall's reactions. 

*As this was before the movie was released, the Les Mis mentioned is the 20th anniversary production.  Tragic lack of Hugh Jackman, and random Jonas Bros. appearance, but still quite good.

20 May 2013

Things California Needs to Know

Dear California,
I know that there are many wonderful things about this state.  You have some definite advantages: the Pacific Ocean, perpetual sunshine, amazing avocados, Napa Valley, Intelligentsia Coffee, the LA Phil, you're quite impressive.

However, there are a few things that could make you more awesome.

1) 60 degrees is not actually "freezing."  That would be 32 degrees (F).  60 degrees it totally survivable, doesn't require a parka, or every piece of clothing you own to be put onto your body.

2) similarly, 85 degrees isn't actually "scorching."  The states of Texas, Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico cordially invite you to hang out there for a few weeks this July to discuss this further.

3) Rain won't melt you. As Marshall can attest, there is a significant portion of this population that will cancel all plans for rain.   Sorry, I really can't do brunch.  It's raining.  or I know you offered me free tickets to this amazing event, but I have to cancel at the last minute because it's sprinkling outside and I don't do water falling from the sky.

4) Breakfast Tacos > Breakfast Burritos.

This one still puzzles me.  Millions of people embrace the breakfast burrito, but if you suggest tacos instead they look at you like you've just said that you're going to poison them. There are definite advantages to tacos: more portable, greater chance for variety, smaller portions....

I'll convert you, you will see.

5) Queso and Mexican Martinis

Guys. People outside of Texas don't know what either of this things are. It's kind of tragic, watching them live their lives not even knowing what they are missing.   What's worse it when they think they know.  I ordered queso at a bar by campus. I got pico de gallo with a few strands of shredded pepper jack on top. NOT THE SAME.

6) You can drink water even if it doesn't have electrolytes in it.

7) Some states don't have state income tax.  You should check that out, it's pretty cool.

Don't get me wrong, CA, you're great, I love you.  More on that later.

i still exist

After an incredibly long, and somewhat unintentional hiatus, I've* decided it's time to return to this lovely blog.

*ok, technically, Huei Pan, Scott Young and others have bullied me into it.... but considering the forecast of increased writing in my academic future, it's not a bad plan to work my way back into it before I drown in weekly page requirements.

Kitten in the midst of a lecture 
It has been an eventful year, and rather than bombarding you lovely people (if anyone actually reads this) with an update reminiscent of an epic Greek poem, I think I have chosen to present vignettes from the last year.  A sort of "blooper real of AMC's Graduate pursuits," if you will.

And if you won't.... that's fair enough.

As a quick synopsis in case I haven't caught up with you in EONS.

Cherry family vacation 2012 = moving AMC across the country in a dramatic road trip of 5 adults, a cheerful baby, and a grumpy cat.  My family is the best.  My cat is still punishing me.  I still don't believe there's a Joshua Tree Forest along the 10.  That, or I have a dramatically different idea of "forest" than the state of California.  I am doing a DMA, and loving it, and not sleeping enough.  I've had amazing opportunities (see: playing a gig with Barry Manilow....it counts, we were on the same stage at the same time), and feel über blessed.

...I am only mildly confident that I used über correctly there.....

I have the best colleagues in the world in the horn studio, and am loving every minute of my studies with the fantastic Dr. Morrell.  I do apologize to them, and Sarah Bareilles, for having arranged "Love Song" for 6 horns.

I will never have to conduct again, and the world is a better place for it.

I led a group of doctoral students in Mindfulness Meditation in lieu of presenting a power point on performance anxiety.

As I write this, I am engaging in a Haiku battle with someone I have never met.

As for the rest, here is a teaser of upcoming episodes:
-The next great american novel, or: the collected tweets, emails, and texts of Liz Love and AMC
-Traffic in Los Angeles is not for faint of heart (footnote: i brought a stick shift here?!?!)
-I am pretty blessed to be here
-Old friends in new places, an ode to P Blake, Marshall, and Huei.
-Kitten, brave world traveller
-Things California NEEDS to know
-I am from Texas, people, not a different planet
-ok, Texas might be a different planet.
-Once upon a time, I didn't realize AC was optional, now it makes me cold
-That time Marshall slept on my couch for 6 months and it was awesome
-The journey from "hometown girl" to "new girl in town" is breath-takingly, terrifyingly, good for me

To Sum Up:

California is fantastic:
Santa Monica Pier making the water all pretty.

But I am so excited to be home in a little over a week!
Texas Clouds being ridiculously awesome, as they do